Thermasol MTC Steam Shower Control, MicroTouch Series, Contemporary Flushmount


ThermaSol MTC is the perfect low profile way to control your steam shower. It offers control of steam room functionality from inside the shower so you can have your perfect steam amount at all times. Capative Touch technology along with Infrared Sensing Technology makes this an accurate and easy to use control.See Technical tab for Finish availabilityControl Only

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The MicroTouch round steam shower controller is designed for use with the ThermaSol Pro and SSA Series steam generators.This control uses Capative Touch Technology which makes it similar to using your touch screen phone. Along with being easy to use, the innovative Infrared Sensing Technology makes the temperature easy to read, much faster and more accurate than standard contact temperature sensors.The control has multiple features that will contribute to a more relaxing bathing experience. Some of those features include the ability to set your desired temperature, a 45 minute timer pre-set, and a built in temperature sensor. The MTC also operates Auto PowerFlush™ and FastStart™.The MicroTouch MTC steam room control is available in 15 designer finishes to best suit all your decor needs.See Technical tab for Finish availability


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