Prosaunas Aspen 1×2 Inside Corner Trim SI Sauna Wood, Inside Corner Trim, Cove Moulding, SI Profile


Prosaunas Aspen 1×2 Inside Corner Trim creates a finished, furniture-quality look in your sauna. Because it does not secrete resin, splinter, or overheat, Aspen makes an ideal sauna material. Its characteristic light tone and smooth texture gives it an attractive look and makes it perfect for painting.

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Prosaunas Aspen 1×2 Inside Corner Trim creates a finished, furniture-quality look in your sauna. Because it does not secrete resin, splinter, or overheat, Aspen makes an ideal sauna material. Its characteristic light tone and smooth texture gives it an attractive look and makes it perfect for painting.Prosaunas carefully selects only the finest wood from Northern Europe and Canada, assuring that the quality and consistency of our wood selection is the best available. Our team has more than 55 years of experience crafting premium sauna rooms across North America, and we only offer wood that meets our stringent standards. Because of our total commitment to quality, we can ensure your wood order will arrive to your satisfaction.Wood Sizing – Nominal vs. Actual Lumber Sizes:In North America, wood sizes are given in”nominal”measurements, which is the lumber’s size when it is cut from moist logs. After shrinkage from drying and surfacing, the actual size of lumber will be less than its nominal size. Please see the diagram for actual dimensions.


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