Harvia 22 Series Protective Shealth Protective Sheath for Harvia Linear Sauna Stoves, 22 Series


The Harvia WL575 protective sheath is designed and approved for wood-heated Harvia wood-burning heaters (Harvia 22/Linear 22). The protective shield reduces the safety distance to combustible materials. This features a steel material, with a black finish.

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The Harvia WL575 protective sheath is designed and approved for wood-heated Harvia wood-burning heaters (Harvia 22/Linear 22).The protective sheath considerably reduces the safety distance to combustible materials allowing the wood-burning heater fit in a smaller space. The protective sheath attaches to the wood-burning heater and conforms to its shape for a sleek finish.The protective sheath is available both as a full version and as a one-sided sheath, which can be installed on either side of the wood-burning heater. The protective sheaths are made of steel sheet that is painted black.


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