Harvia Vega Compact 1700 Sauna Heater Vega Compact Series 1.7kW Sauna Heater 120V


Harvia Vega Compact 1700 is a modern and easy-to-use 120V sauna heater that is engineered to power small sauna rooms up to 106 cubic feet. (CF)Size Your Harvia HereRequires minimum of 29 lbs of sauna stones (1 box) sold separately

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The 120V Harvia Vega 1.7kW is a compact and easy-to-use heater by the world’s largest sauna heater manufacturer. The stainless steel outer shell of Vega is durable and creates a modern look for your sauna. Operating switches are placed ergonomically in the upper part, and thanks to the symmetric shape of the heater, the switches can be placed on either side. The heater can be mounted low on the sauna wall, ensuring that the lower benches also get plenty of steam.


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