HUUM Thru-Ceiling Chimney Kit Sauna Wood Stove Chimney Set, Thru-Ceiling


The HUUMThru-CeilingChimney Setis designed to extend straight up through the ceiling and is compatible withHUUM Sauna Stoves. This premium set includes everything needed to provide your sauna experience with both beautiful form and safe-minded function.

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The HUUMThru-CeilingChimney Setis designed to extend straight up through the ceiling and is compatible withHUUM Sauna Stoves. This set includes a single-wall 1m pipe, welded chimney base, double-wall 0.5-meter chimney, cover plate in two parts for the ceiling, partition ceiling insulation with cooling T600 (optional), roof rafter attachment to the chimney, double-wall straight 1-meter pipe, roof underlay seal 160-230 (optional), ventilated roof flashing 20-35 degrees, rain collar, and chimney cap.


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