HUUM HIVE 12 HIVE Series 12.0kW Sauna Heater


The HUUM HIVE 12kW sauna heater provides modern elegance for larger saunas like those in health clubs, spas, and gyms. This floor-mounted heater is engineered to hold 528 lbs of stones for unmatched efficiency and performance in sauna rooms up to 883 cubic feet (CF).Size Your HUUM HereRequired control, extension box, and sauna stones (16 boxes) sold separately.

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The HUUM HIVE 12kW sauna heater provides modern elegance for larger saunas like those in health clubs, spas, and gyms. This floor-mounted heater is engineered to hold 528 lbs of stones for unmatched efficiency and performance in sauna rooms up to 883 cubic feet (CF).Precision-engineered and crafted in Estonia for a true European sauna experience.


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